Member Benefits

  1. An invitation to participate on the RIRW discussion loop (now hosted at
  2. Monthly meetings from September-June with dynamic speakers or workshops designed to support the group’s mission.
  3. Monthly online “Spark Session” to talk informally about our work, any issues we are having, to share advice and experience, to ask questions, and generally support one another.
  4. Monthly newsletter: Romantically Speaking.
  5. Access to our social media: Members Only Facebook Page, our public Facebook Page, and our Instagram account if desired.
  6. Public Listing on our website.
  7. Annual retreat (held at the beginning of February)
  8. Silent critique via the loop. 
  9. Paid Critiquing Service: For a small fee, you can have up to 50 pages critiqued by a published author. 
  10. The fellowship and support of being in a community of fellow writers who understand the unique challenges and experiences that being a writer entails.